I see you guys bickering on my deck
Beaks flapping, toothpick talons grappling
A pack of dumpy dull females going at it
Mid air fluttering, all ado over that bird
He sits, watching you make fools of yourselves
His bright red plumage, suave cool demeanor
He’s mine, He’s mine! you will chirp
Peep peep peep, fuckin peep
Give it a rest you trailer park birds!
Scaring away the chickadees who wait patiently
And spilling seeds all over the damned place
If I had a fly swatter…I’d
Oh fuck, now you did it!
Get the fuck off my porch you nasty squirrel!
I sling the screen door open with a bang
The bastard nearly escapes as I snatch his tail hairs
I take the feeders down from their hooks
Head cocked, you guys stare in disbelief
Fluttering past the screen
But what about the seeds?