Fake Plastic Titties
Oh my god,
The internet is up in arms.
All the fuss over such a silly thing
Regal gay clowns reading to children
Not just any clown, mind you
big Amazon Drag Queens
You know, the scary type
Cher, Bettie Davis, Joan Crawford look alikes
Big Texas hair, Tammy Fae Makeup
And fake plastic titties
Stuffed inside chiffon gowns.
I had no idea this was a thing
Until recently I thought these extravagant sots
were confined to smoke filled bar rooms
singing and dancing their way to a drunken stupor
Instead, performing to impressionable young minds
eager to hear stories and observe exaggerated femininity.
Parents and concerned citizens in a panic
Flapping their feathers like Chicken Little
Groomers, groomers they will holler.
But this really isn’t about pedophilia,
even though they want you to believe it is.
No, this is all about homophobic transphobic Evangelical fear
They’s afraid that their young innocent lads
Once exposed to the mere presence of the male feminine
Will burst forth from their cocoons,
skipping, prancing, and lisping to the tune of Hello Dolly!
God forbid children question their gender identity
Or be anything other than what the parents desire.
Existing outside the confines gender roles
Is something they just won’t abide.
Despite religion being forced down their throats
And young minds raped by bitter doctrines.
Just the same old shit wrapped in a new package.
Unfairly linking queer to pedophilia
And forcing shame upon us for no reason.
Love the sinner hate the sin my ass.
It’s neither Christ-like or good.
But where was the outrage of conservative drag?
They say go Make America Great all over Again
When our founding fathers wore high heels and powdered wigs.
And stars like Bob Hope, Milton Berle, even and Guiliani
wore make up, wigs, and fake plastic titties.